Did you just cheat on your partner? Here`s how we know

Sadly, no astrological sign is immune to cheating. With temptation lurking everywhere, anyone could easily develop a wandering eye. Today`s post is about how each zodiac sign cheats in a relationship and how nasty can they get. Learn how:

Aries...  Aries can get very cruel when it comes to cheating as they won’t even deny it. They will even show you the person they cheated with so you can see for yourself how much better that person is.

Taurus... Taurus is the most loyal sign. They will never cheat and if they do, it only means they genuinely fell in love with someone else. They would marry the person they cheated on you with.

Gemini... Geminis do not mind cheating at all. They will cheat on you with someone from your close circle. And even if they do not, they will constantly fantasy about having sex with all of your friends.

Cancer... Cancers do cheat but they are not good at lying. They will accidentally tell you everything. The reason they cheat is because they are looking for that one special person.

Leo... Leos do not like to cheat much compared to others. They also won’t cheat unless something is wrong with the relationship. Because they hate unnecessary drama that cheating brings along.

Virgo... Virgos cheat like Bond. They will give you a code name and you will meet them at different locations at specific times as the cheating partner.

Libra... Libras cheats like a pro. They can date two separate people for years and none will ever find out about the other. They know how to arrange things and keep everyone happy.

Scorpio... Scorpios do not cheat at all. They take love and marriage very seriously and cheating does not make much sense to them.

Sagittarius... Sagittarian does not mind cheating at all. They jump into every opportunity they get. But, lucky for you, since they love to brag and share their sexual intentions with people, your friends will also probably notice weird behavior and let you know.

Capricorn... For Capricorns cheating is not that of a bigger deal. They just want everyone to be happy and know how to turn things around in their favor and leave you totally confused.

Aquarius... Aquarians are emotional cheaters. They hate the stress of hiding stuff and get super uncomfortable doing things behind your back.

Pisces... Pisces can get out of anything. They are that elaborate in their cheating ways. They will never admit to it and you will actually believe their story.