Posted on 19/04/2017 I by: AstroSaathi
To build a house of own is a dream of many people. Your house is a outcome of your hardwork. It takes lots of efforts when you plan to build a house. When you build a house then you pay attention to every detail of it. Kitchen is also important area of home. As kitchen of your house is responsible for the health of family so make it wisely. It is advised to consider rules of vastu shastra while building kitchen. In Vastu shatra, guidelines are given regarding small aspects of kitchen. Follow these Vastu tips to make kitchen in the house.
Not all the direction of house for building kitchen. To make kitchen, use southeast direction of the house. If it is not possible to make it there then build it only in northwest part.
Always make doors of kitchen in east, north or northeast direction. Door must not be in front of bathroom door. You can build small window for cross ventilation in south direction.
Although it is advised to avoid keeping dining table in kitchen but if you place dining table there then place it either in northwest or west direction.
The most appropriate direction for sink is northeast. Leaking water tap in kitchen means wastage of energy so get it repaired as soon as possible. For storing water, use northeast direction of the kitchen.
Even the vastu shastra has prescribed proper direction of placing cylinder in kitchen. Both cooking stove and cylinder should be kept in southeast corner of the kitchen.
To paint the walls and floor of kitchen, yellow, green, red, chocolate and orange colours are the best. Use either of these colours for your kitchen.
As per vastu shastra, microwave should be placed in south east. For refrigerator, southeast, south, west and north directions are best.