Lessor known facts of saavan Month

Shravan maas is commonly famous in India, But there are still some factors you may unaware off.Shravan month is fifth month of the year. During this period shravan Constellation seen in the sky.

Yamraj was defeated by rishi markanday after intense meditation during shravan month.

Aries should mix jaggery in water and offered to lord shiva every day.

Taurus native should offer curd to shiva which solve wealthy problems.

Gemini must offer sugar cane juice to lord shiva.

Cancer must mix sugar in milk and offered to lord shiva for awaiting results.

Leo suggest offering red sandal to god

Virgo required to offer bhang to shiva.

Libra native should offer ghee or perfume to lord shiva.

Scorpio suggested mixing honey in water and offered to lord.

Sagittarius suggested offering saffron mixed with milk to Shiva.