Disturbing Predictions about the Kali Yug

According to ancient Sanskrit scriptures, we’re living the times of vices. We have outlived the golden ages and stepped into the final age, i.e. the Kali Yug, better known as the time of demons. What is spooky about this yug is that all that we have been speculating had already been foreseen and told 5000 years before even Vedavyasa existed.

Here are 5 deadly predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas.

1. Worth of a man will be based only on his wealth - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.2

All finer qualities and behavior of a man will be judged only on the basis of his wealth and he will be exempted of all accusations because law and justice will favor only those who have wealth. Even thousands of years ago sages knew exactly how the society was going to be. With bureaucrats getting away with murder, politicians with scams, this prediction is just spot on.

2. Truthfulness will cease to exist - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.1

Mankind will do away with virtues of truthfulness, religion, mercy, and cleanliness. They would diminish in physical strength and longevity because of the influence of the Demon Kali. Mercy will no longer exist. Religion will be narrowed down to merely as means to spread terror.

3. Religious frauds will flourish - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.38

People of no scholarly credibility will pose as the men of God or dress as a mendicant and accept charity in the name of the Divine. Fraudulent men and women will be made to sit on high pedestals and their half-baked discourse on God and religion will be listened by all. Right again.

4. Then cities will be run by thieves - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.32

Our society will be dominated and rules by thieves, the atheists will contaminate the essence of the Vedas with their own shallow interpretations and the priests and intellectuals of the society would be puppets to the corrupt politicians. Each and every word is true.

5. Man will kill his family and friends over money - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.41

Hatred among humans would rise and we will have no regard for friendly relations. People will not even hesitate to kill their friends and families for their own petty interests. Brothers and friends stabbing friends over money is a common occurrence today. Choosing wealth over humanity is not big deal.