Did you know Santa has a real postal zip code?

Christmas is incomplete without that guy in the red suit called Santa Claus bringing gifts for us. With a long beard and an eight-legged horse, he is a combination of mythological and real figures. In the United States and Canada, his name is Santa Claus, in China he is called Shengdan Laoren and is England, Father Christmas where he has a longer coat and a longer beard.

Kids have been writing to Santa to remind him of what they want for Christmas. But where do those letters go? Who receives them?

Well, Santa has a real postal zip code? All the letters that are properly posted and addressed to `Santa Claus - the North Pole`, end up in his huge mail box located in Nuuk. The address is actually Santa Claus, 2412 Nuuk, Greenland. That pillar box is pretty big in size.

Remember these golden rules while writing to Santa:

Santa Claus
North Pole H0H 0H0

Do not forget to include your return address. Santa`s postal team will need the extra instructions to ensure your letter is delivered on time.

It is not quite necessary to add a stamp, but Mr. Claus would definitely love to see them. Send your letter by December 16 to make sure Santa has enough time to read it.

Merry Christmas to all!!!