APPLY a simple success tip to charge your life..

Every sign has different strengths. Here's a simple success tip for your sign. Apply it every day to turbo-charge your life.

Aries: Organization matters.
Stay on top of details and paperwork.

Taurus: Diplomacy counts.
Be considerate of peers and employees. Focus on teamwork.

Gemini: Get obsessive about routines.
Knowing why you’re doing something adds to motivation.

Cancer: Be adventurous.
Stay open to new ideas and possibilities.

Leo: Nothing beats structure and hard work.
Stick to deadlines and keep promises.

Virgo: Think outside the box.
Innovation and an inventive attitude help you succeed.

Libra: Get creative.
Use music, meditation and mindfulness to help you get inspired.

Scorpio: Action is key.
When in doubt, do something. Keep the momentum going.

Sagittarius: Enjoy each moment.
Slow down to do things well.

Capricorn: Be curious.
Ask questions, listen and stay connected to likeminded colleagues.

Aquarius: Care for yourself.
Nurture your direct reports -- but protect the people that matter, especially yourself!

Pisces: Leadership matters.
Take charge to get things started, and focus on follow through.